Updates are taking longer than normal to display


Everything looks to be working normally now, and has been stable for some time.

We plan to properly dig in and de-brief with our service provider to fully understand what happened, and what steps have been taken to prevent the same in future.

On our side, we have already made some changes to help mitigate the impact in future, so that the maximum delay ever incurred is only a few minutes.

I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for their understanding, and If anyone has any further questions, please let us know.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

It looks like our service providers hard work has paid off, and they are now on top of the situation.

It looks like publishing times for notices appearing on the status page are now back to normal.

We'll continue watching things for a little while, just to be sure it continues to behave properly. We'll then put together a proper de-brief once we've had time to review everything.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

Updates are still slow to arrive on the status page but should take no longer than a minute or so.

Our service provider continues to work on a complete fix to bring things back to normal, and I'll update you again once I know more.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

We're still waiting on a final fix from our service provider, they're still hard at work, and I hope to bring your more information before long.

The good news is that our temporary patch does appear to have improved things somewhat.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

Our provider has confirmed they've made good steps towards resolving things, a complete fix is not quite in place yet, but I hope to have some more good news soon.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient while we work this out.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

Our CDN provider is still working hard on a fix, and appear to be making progress.

We've also made some fixes our end to try and minimise the delay of updates being published to the status page, it's not a fix but should hopefully make an improvement.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

We've identified that this is related to an issue with our CDN Provider, where purging the cache for your status page is failing, resulting in the older content continuing to display.

They are aware of the issue, and their engineers are working to fix things.

More updates as soon as I know.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins

So sorry everyone, we can see an increase in the time it takes for updates to display on your status page. On a typical day, we aim for a few seconds. Right now, it's longer than that.

Notifications are continuing to send as normal.

The team are closely monitoring the situation and will keep you posted.

Avatar for Robert Rawlins
Robert Rawlins
Began at:

Affected components
  • Status Pages